Bio Kensho Len Silverston
Len Silverston is a corporate and personal mindfulness facilitator, coach, and an internationally recognized human behavior and technology consultant.
He is a fully ordained Zen priest, mediation teacher, and spiritual leader and provides training, coaching, workshops, and retreats through his organization, 'Zen With Len'
He is a best-selling author and teacher and has lectured around the world on human behavior and technology. He has published 3 books on ‘Universal Data Models’ (see and dozens of articles.
His mission is to ‘raise consciousness’.

Kensho Len Silverston has studied and taught various forms of spiritual practices and life development skills for over twenty-five years.He has studied and practiced Vipassana meditation (taught by S. N. Goenka) starting in 1989 and has spent hundreds of days in silent, intensive, beginning and advanced Vipassana retreats, most of them with over 10 hours of meditation per day.
In 2004, he began practicing Zen intensely with Hollow Bones, attending and staffing dozens of retreats, many times as the meditation leader of the retreat, and was fully ordained as a Zen Priest in 2011 by Roshi Junpo Dennis Kelly.
In addition, he has studied many other forms of spirituality including numerous retreats and workshops at the Upaya Zen Center, the Great Mountain Zen Center, Meditation Society at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, numerous studies in Korea studying Kouk Sun Do meditation techniques, and a 10 day Wilderness Fast retreat.
He has studied and attended many workshops including intensive training from The Hoffman Institute, 6 month voice dialogue program from Martha Lou Cohen, many courses through from Dr. John Demartini including numerous weekend Breakthrough Process, Prophesy, Empyreance, Demartini Method Teacher training and Master Planning, Colorado Youth At-Risk Steps Ahead program, Mankind Project New Warrior Project, Dr. Joe Dispensa workshops, Mile Hi Church “Science of Mind and Spirit,” and Judaism study programs.
He has written articles on spirituality including 'Change Your Mind' and 'The Illusion of Loss' interview which can be found on his web site
Kensho has studied various forms of martial arts including Aikido for the past 12 years where he earned the rank of 'Yudansha' (the only level of black belt in his school) and Tae Kwon Do for 6 years. He wrote the forward for the book, 'Inner Bushido' by Sean Hannon.
He is a proponent of offering voluntary service to benefit others. He has voluntary contributed his time towards via leading many meditation classes, mentoring youths in Colorado Youth at Risk and Big Brothers, serving at many meditation retreats, staffing at Mankind Project weekends, and serving on not for profit boards at Colorado Youth at Risk and various data management boards for many years.
In additional to being a spiritual guide and Zen priest, he is a best-selling author, consultant, and speaker in the fields of data management and world-renowned in the field of data management for his work on “Universal Data Models.” He is the author of The Data Model Resource Book series (volumes 1, 2 and 3). His volume 1 book was rated #12 on the Computer Literacy Best Seller List and the first two volumes have been translated into Chinese and the third volume was translated into Korean. He has published many articles, been a keynote speaker at many international conferences, and has won international achievement awards such as the DAMA (Data Administration Management Association) International Professional Achievement Award in 2004 and the DAMA International Community Award in 2006. He holds a master’s degree in computer science with a specialization in database management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Len is also a very successful entrepreneur and business owner of Universal Data Models ( and has generated substantial profits and revenues for decades. He has engaged and helped organizations world-wide and helps people and organizations be more abundant.
Len has integrated his spiritual practice into his work and for over a decade has lectured internationally on the behavioral aspects of integrating information, combining spirituality and data management in presentations such as 'Data Mining versus Data Oursing", "The Human Side of Data Management", "Aligning Business and IT', “Zen and the Art of Database Maintenance” and “What to Do When Data Professionals Disagree.” He provides training, facilitation, and consulting to organizations on conflict resolution, change management, visioning, trust, motivation, and governance.
Kensho Len provides ongoing ”Zen With Len” meditation sessions and spiritual teaching/coaching. He works one-on-one with people using a variety of transformational processes including Mondo Zen, voice dialogue, and spiritual coaching. Kensho Len has given many spiritual talks for various organizations - for instance, giving the sermon for the High Holiday services at the National Jewish Hospital congregation, a service that has taken place for over 100 years.
One of the results of his Zen practice is that his family has seen the change in him and thus followed suit. His wife, Annette Quintana, has attended numerous Hollow Bone retreats; his daughter Danielle Silverston has attended meditation classes with him; and his 19 year old daughter Michaela Silverston has attended numerous week-long Zen retreats. When asked why she sat through these retreats, Michaela said, 'It worked for my Dad!” For Kensho Len Silverston's Bio on Hollow Bones web site, click on Mondo Zen.
Len's spiritual practices have resulted in a huge shift in the quality of his life and have helped transform his life and relationships dramatically.